Traditional Balinese massage is one of the most relaxing massages, performed with warmed coconut oil. Balinese massage is a gentle relaxing massage, but it can also be performed with greater pressure . It improves the flow of blood and lymph in the body, Balinese massage leads to deep relaxation.
You can choose one of the following Balinese massage options: 60 minutes, 90 minutes or 120 minutes . The 90-minute option is recommended for your first visit .
After placing your order, you will receive a voucher for your chosen massage or ritual via email. The voucher will be sent during our salons’ opening hours. Each voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase.
If the voucher is to be a gift for a third party, please provide the recipient’s details in the order.
If you have any additional questions, please contact the selected salon directly. Contact details for the salons can be found below.
Poniedziałek – Piątek
12:30 – 22:30
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